Honestly speaking, I've never heard Anna Kendrick's name before until I saw the Pitch Perfect movie, which by the way guys is really good and a funny movie. Well, that's where she got my attention there because of her strong appearance and of course the undeniable talent that she showed in that movie. I remembered her face, it was just so familiar but I just didn't know where I've seen her in the past movies that I saw. Curiosity bites me and by the help of google I saw her movie list and I was just surprised that of all her movies I just saw Twilight, only the first one, and I was like oh, what part or what role was she in Twilight? I just couldn't remember(I'm embarrassed, now that I'm a fan). And when I browsed it on youtube, I realized that it was the scene that I remembered the most, which was the canteen scene, where she introduced the vampire clan to Bella, I'm like oh, it was her all along, why didn't I noticed her before? I just thought maybe because she has this similarity to Bella's face especially with make-up on and I think that's why I ignored her.
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Twilight: Canteen scene, Bella met new friends |
Ashamed that I only saw one movie of hers in which I know it was Anna Kendrick playing a certain role. Well, credits to her co-actors and actresses, they all did great in the movie that made the whole film entertaining and brought a lot of humor that give the audiences a good vibe and a good laugh.
Well, the first interview that I saw in which she was the guest, was in CONAN Show, which was awesomely funny. Since then, I'm hooked and can't get enough of her hilarious and crazy interviews. I just can't stop smiling and laughing everytime I realized that what she just said was meant to be a joke or just playing bull****. Well in Conan she talked about that rap song that she sung from the Pitch perfect movie, entitled No Diggity and the producers wanted her to sing it in a recording studio and like do it for real and that she had to imagine that she had a penis just to make it through. You can watch the video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crytzKqIXOQ. She also talked about her dirty Taco Bell secret in which she can't eat taco bell before midnight, it should be in the cover of darkness. She just order it on a drive thru and eat it on the parking lot. After that interview, I realized more that this girl wasn't afraid to speak up her mind or not even embarrassed sharing her story. I think she is a real person, I mean she's not pretending at all unlike other celebrities do, where they just answer questions safely. In other words this cute, pretty girl is not a phony.
Then next, I saw her guesting on the Craig Ferguson show, well Craig himself was already funny plus he had a proper guest (that's according to him) who was a dork and that's Anna Kendrick. Well, what a perfect combination! They talked a lot of things, jokes and even silly stuff. Every time she guested in that show they somehow fancy doing the awkward pause at the last part of the interview which was really funny and...awkward. That moment was just epic for me!
After that I saw her guesting on Jay Leno show where she wore this pretty dress, that she looked like a Barbie doll.
She is just like the epitome of youthful beauty.
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Look at Britanny' Snow's reaction, shocked, and look at Anna Kendrick's naughty smile. That's why I love her. You just don't know when is she gonna spill the joke in a serious question. |
I'm also amused on Britanny Snow's reaction when they were interviewed about their life at the boot camp for the acapella movie they were making. And Anna would answer the reporter's question with a joke and a funny lie in which the reporter had no idea that what Anna said was not even near from the truth, in other words the reporter bought the lie. You just can't tell that she's playing you because she was seriously answering the questions. You'll just realized it if she laughed at the end or her companion (Britanny Snow) would say 'that's not true' In which she(Britanny) knew what the truth was. I think that's what amuses Anna too, that she even tweeted on twitter that her favorite thing about twitter is reading the reaction of 60% of people reading her tweets doesn't know she's kidding, something like that. click here for the interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1Viy5wuFYY
click here for her funny tweets http://thechive.com/2013/01/17/anna-kendrick-is-using-the-twitter-machine-hilariously-30-photos/
That's what I love about her too, her dorkiness and she can hit jokes, bulls-eye, everytime she spills her craziness. That's what amuses me about her, that she can be pretty and cute and talented and at the same time have a lot of sense of humor and not boring. I also love her attitude of being contented of what is serve in the table, as what she said, "I'm the person who wouldn't send back my food even if I got steak when I'd ordered fish."
Well, if you just judge her by the way she looks, she's like an innocent, serious type of girl, like her face means Business, big time! But, behind all that is a real joker and a funny person who can always finds something amusing on something serious. "I guess I'm drawn to... I think, even when I read serious scripts, the moments that I connect to are the little glimpses of humor, because, you know, I think every script, no matter how serious it is, has bits of humor in it. Even "End of Watch" is really funny. So those are the moments where I can kind of see what I can do with it that's different, and I feel like that's the easiest way for me to get inside a character's head, is through the humor, like what sense of humor they have".
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Emma Stone |
Oh my God, I've seen her nominations the other day and I'm like, you can't really tell. This girl is small but terrible. Like she only stands 5 feet and a petite woman with angel-looking face but then she was acknowledged for being a good talent. She got all these nominations and won some of them, well even just get nominated is a great honor. Click here for the list http://www.aceshowbiz.com/celebrity/anna_kendrick/awards.html
It's just so unbelievable to know or maybe she's just so blessed to still have a normal lifestyle in spite of her being famous and all. As what she said that she still can do things she used to do when she gets home (which is rare for a Hollywood actress)and she was often times being noticed by paparazzi or even to ordinary people. That she also felt sorry for Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart because she knew that after Twilight their lives were never be the same when they gets home. ("I'm so relieved. I get to be in Twilight and that's it. I get to be in it and be part of it but I get to leave the house and live a normal life. I feel like I'm living this strange double-life because when I go home I get to do the same things I always have. I know that's not the case for Robert or Kristen and I know that's hard for them".) "I rarely get recognized. It was always a shock when someone notices me. I always think they must be confusing me with someone else". " My goal all along has just been to work and support myself. I've been really lucky to walk away from the 'Twilight' series unscathed. Somebody asked me recently what it's like to be a star. I thought that was the strangest question. If you saw my day-to-day life, the word 'star' just doesn't apply". When she was asked, what's it like to be in the Twilight series? "It's a phenomenon that cannot be accounted for. It's really exciting. The thing about my involvement is that I get to have my cake and eat it too. I get to be part of the Twilight franchise and go on the ride when I feel like it. And I still have my real life. I can walk around and people don't speculate about my private life".
Watch her interview where she talks about herself feeling invisible from people at comic con and American Airlines flight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7n_ye6IvStw
Just imagine about the cup song that she popularizes from Pitch Perfect movie. It really wasn't her original and I think everybody knows that. Well, she just saw it on Reddit and thought it was cool, so she decided to spend her whole afternoon practicing the cup song just for fun! Yeah you heard it right, she still has time to do things that she really wanted to do even at home. Oh this girl is just so blessed!
She even talks about she can't afford her cocaine addiction because it was an expensive habit and that she don't make much money as well as running a high class prostitution ring. Click here for the whole conversation http://www.crushable.com/2012/10/17/entertainment/anna-kendrick-interview-cocaine-prostitutes-joke-638/
I mean she said all these stuff but her career did not go down because people know she was just making fun or having a good time. Not even have second thoughts of not talking it in front of the camera.
She's just so awesome and adorable and I'm looking forward on seeing her movies in the future now that Pitch Perfect was a total hit. I just hope she will not turn into one of those child stars who became role models before they've gone bad and crazy or shall we say, nervous breakdown. She's been a child star and I hope she will not go in that direction.