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Friday, July 5, 2013

BEAUTY and BRAINS: that's Anna Kendrick

         After knowing a bit of who Anna Kendrick is especially on how she handles humor in a really entertaining way, I'm also taken by surprise that she in fact is good in saying words of wisdom. Indeed she is not just beauty and cuteness but also has brains.

Check out some of her brainy quotes:

"I think a gentleman is someone who holds the comfort of other people above their own. The instinct to do that is inside every good man, I believe. The rules about opening doors and buying dinner and all of that other 'gentleman' stuff is a chess game, especially these days"-Anna Kendrick

This attitude of hers impressed me the most, about being just contented of whatever is serve to her. "I'm the person who wouldn't send back food even if I got steak when I'd ordered fish"- Anna Kendrick

"I get really excited every time there's a female character who is really strong because a lot of females in film are really soft"- Anna Kendrick

"I fall in love with characters when they've out of their element or are uncomfortable and you really feel for them in a knee-jerk sympathetic way"- Anna Kendrick

"I think a good script is a rare thing, and I think no matter who you are you have to fight for the good ones"- Anna Kendrick

"I stole comic books from my brother when I was a kid, but I was never like an avid fan. I can't claim to be like a comic book geek"- Anna Kendrick

"My family has had to become quite understanding about me not returning phone calls when I'm filming"- Anna Kendrick

"It's a lot easier to act when the writing is good. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to figure out 'Well, why did I say this next?"- Anna Kendrick

"The consummate gentleman on the planet today is George Clooney, who never fails to go the extra mile for people. Every person matters to George"- Anna Kendrick

"My goal all along has just been to work and support myself. I've been really lucky to walk away from the 'Twilight' series unscathed. somebody asked me recently what it's like to be a star. I thought that was the strangest question. If you saw my day-to-day life, the word 'star' just doesn't apply"- Anna Kendrick

"People like to make fun of the fans who camp out but people have renaissance fairs; people do Civil War re-enactments; people do what they like. I'm tired of hearing people rage on fans. If you don't like 'Twilight' don't buy a ticket"- Anna Kendrick

"There have definitely been more than a few moments in my life where I'm wondering where the next paycheck will come from and how I'm gonna pay rent"- Anna Kendrick

"You can relax more when you're playing a silly character than when you're playing a really rigid character. But to be fair, I think George Clooney is a bigger teenager than any of the 'Twilight' cast. He's the guy throwing a football at your head and then hiding around the corner, pretending it wasn't him!"- Anna Kendrick

"Humility was an important part of the way I grew up. And I found that to be less common when I moved to California. That's not to say humble people don't exist, but ambition seems really important"- Anna Kendrick

"After we shot the first 'Twilight' we organized our own wrap party. We really didn't know what this was going to be. Something like that can come at you unexpectedly, and you just have to try your best to deal with it"- Anna Kendrick

"I definitely think it exercises an interesting muscle, auditioning for the bad part and trying to figure out how to make it real. I don't know what I'm talking about now"- Anna Kendrick

"I feel like I'm still learning a lot. I think there's a tendency for people who are just doing their first couple of the films that I see now where they seem to be really resentful of the technical limitations that come along with filmmaking"- Anna Kendrick

"I guess as long as people think of me for different ages, I'll trust their opinion, I remember noticing one year that Michelle Monaghan played 34 and 19, so I've kind of clung to that as my justification that I can be Jake Gyllenhaal's wife and a freshman in college in the same year"- Anna Kendrick

"I definitely think it exercises an interesting muscle, auditioning for bad parts and trying to figure out how to make it real. I don't know what I'm talking about now"- Anna Kendrick

"I feel like I'm still learning a lot. I think there's a tendency for people who are just doing their first couple of films that I see now where they seem to be really resentful of the technical limitations that come along with filmmaking"- Anna Kendrick
"I guess my silly dream is to be on 'Game of Thrones.' I don't think that I can do that, but that's my silly dream. And there are a lot of American comedies, particularly on NBC, that I would, I would love to do"- Anna Kendrick

"I heard people saying they were going to become millionaires by the time they were 25 - that's gross and obnoxious, but in California it's looked on as an asset"- Anna Kendrick

"PSA: Teens, teach your parents how to operate your phone's camera in case you run into an actor. I have seen too many relationships ruined"- Anna Kendrick

"I just got on Twitter because there was some MTV film blog that quoted me on something really innocuous that I supposedly said on Twitter before I was even on Twitter. So then I had to get on Twitter to say: 'This is me. I'm on Twitter. If there's somebody else saying that they're me on Twitter, they're not.'- Anna Kendrick

"I like figuring out where I need to be mentally so that I'm not thinking about the camera and that it's second nature. I want to get to a place where I can exist within the confines of what you can do with filmmaking and not have to think about it"- Anna Kendrick
"Big complicated sweater. If it's not difficult to get on, it's not a fashion"- Anna Kendrick

"I think my iTunes is a kind of strange and embarrassing mix of show tunes and artists that I have no perception of whether or not they're huge or not, you know? I'm the kind of person who doesn't realize that The Arcade Fire is a big deal, but then I expect everybody to know Cocoon, and people tend to not know Cocoon"- Anna Kendrick

"I think there are rock stars within every subgenre, and for people who are obsessed with musical theater Sutton Foster and Audra MacDonald are like Beyonce to them. I'm sure the a cappella world has their own version of that, and that exists in every geeky subculture"- Anna Kendrick

"I think right after 'Up in the Air' everyone wanted me to play the girl from 'Up in the Air,' and it took a little while for people to think of me as an actress from a film that they liked instead of just that character"- Anna Kendrick


"I want to do stage again, because there just aren't words for how great it is. People say that all the time, 'There's nothing like live theater, blah blah,' but it's really true. I see a show and I know how they feel, and it feels great"- Anna Kendrick

"I'm a pretty big dork. It's crazy. I'm one of those people who grew up with all kinds of musicals, but I was right at that age where 'Rent' was a big deal for me and for my friends"- Anna Kendrick

"I was really overwhelmed by the amount of roles that I got offered that were carbon copies of what I did in 'Up in the Air.' I got every offer for every ambitious, unfeeling practically robotic character"- Anna Kendrick

"I'm attracted to things that are in direct opposition to something that I've just done. It's not like I'm trying to make the right chess move. It's more just that personal thing where you get connected to something for so long and then you want to do something that's in opposition to that"- Anna Kendrick 

"I'm into 'The Walking Dead,' 'Shaun of the Dead,' obviously, and I've seen all the Romero movies. I am a classic zombie queen. And I love the White Walkers on 'Game of Thrones.' Weirdly, it wasn't until pretty late in life that I found my entry point into horror films"- Anna Kendrick 

"I'm constantly playing this game in my head where I'm thinking, 'Can this quote be pared down and misinterpreted?' It doesn't matter what outlet I'm talking to and how comprehensive the interview is, because I have to think in terms of, 'Right, but 'People' magazine could just take this one quote and take it out of context.'- Anna Kendrick

"It's like an OCD thing, it's not as much something I enjoy. If I see a chapstick that I've never tried, I have to buy it. And then once that door's been opened, I have to check the whole store to see if there are more chapsticks that I don't have"- Anna Kendrick

"My parents got married late and they had kids late, so I never felt a social or cultural thing to be married or pregnant or a homeowner by a certain age"- Anna Kendrick

"The sneaker heels thing is a myth. They were saying, 'They're like sneakers.' No, they're like heels is what they're like. That's like saying a denim skirt is like jeans. It's not"- Anna Kendrick

"There will always be a part of me that wants to do a movie musical. I feel like you're doing yourself a disservice when you say something like that, because you never know if that thing is gonna come along and be right, but I'd be lying if I said that that wasn't true"- Anna Kendrick

"There's always moments where you creep yourself out, and you think you heard something and you convince yourself that some spirit is in the room with you, but truly, I don't believe in any of that kind of thing. A lot of my friends really do"- Anna Kendrick

"To not be self-conscious of your appearance is huge, and something that I desperately hope to carry into film at some point in my useless life - to not be thinking, 'My ear looks weird from this angle, why is the camera over there?'- Anna Kendrick

"Voiceover excited me and terrified me. I thought I was going to be really bad at it. It was so freeing and fun to not have to wait for 10 minutes between every setup. They just throw you a direction, and you just say it"- Anna Kendrick

"When I get recognized for 'Twilight,' it's usually a teenage girl, and they're usually really loud. So it certainly feels like I get recognized the most from that, but it could just be because of the nature of how vocal those fans are"- Anna Kendrick

"I think the fact that when I got this role every single person that I know asked if I get to kiss George Clooney shows how rare it is for a young woman to be in a film and be a lead, but not be a romantic lead- for her to be smart and interesting and have so many of her own problems and this incredible story, but have no story that involves romance or sex. It's so rare"- Anna Kendrick

 "An actor should always let humility outweigh over ambition"- Anna Kendrick

"I haven't really changed. I feel really lucky to be doing the work I'm doing, but everything else around me is basically the same. I still prefer sitting at home watching movies instead of going out to bars"- Anna Kendrick

"I'm so relieved. I get to be in Twilight and that's it. I get to be in it and be a part of it but I get to leave the house and live a normal life. I feel like I'm living this strange double-life because when I go home I get to do the same things I always have. I know that's not the case for Robert and Kristen and I know that's hard for them"- Anna Kendrick

"I was so stressed because I was more worried about my mum and brother having a time"- Anna Kendrick

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